Bringing Home Iggy | 5 Things You Need Before Bringing Home A New Pet Iguana

With a personable personality and little need for tremendous amounts of supervision, iguanas seem to make the ideal pet for a lot of people. If you are a reptile lover, from the first moment you spot one of these little green reptiles for sale at a pet store you may be willing to scoop it up and take it home. However, bringing home an iguana should only be done after you have made the necessary arrangements and preparations. [Read More]

It's Been Nice Gnawing You: Dealing With Roundworm Infestation In Dogs

When picking up your dog's poop, you notice a huge worm wriggling around. Although the mere sight of roundworms, which can grow up to 10 to 12 cm in length, can be horrifying, you don't have to fret. Roundworms, otherwise known as ascarids, are probably the most common intestinal parasites that plague your furry little friends, and are generally found in large numbers. This article will take a look at the most common symptoms that are associated with roundworm infestation, and how you can get rid of them. [Read More]

Five Canine Specialties Your Animal Hospital Should Provide

When choosing an animal hospital for your dog's health care, you need to look at more than a veterinarian's qualifications. Not every animal hospital employs veterinarians that are board certified specialists or is equipped with the latest technology for various needs. Because dog owners can't be sure what medical needs may arise in the future, it's a good idea to choose a pet hospital that offers an on-site laboratory and treatment options, as well as full services. [Read More]

Deciding On Euthanasia And Making The Process Easier

When your pet is in pain, when they have a terminal disease,  or when they become uncontrollable or dangerous, it is often a benefit to the pet to end their existence in a humane, professional manner. The process of euthanasia is deliberately killing an animal by means of a qualified professional, such as a veterinarian. Euthanasia can be a hard decision, but there are a few things that can help you with the euthanasia process, as well as a few signs that your pet is ready to be euthanized. [Read More]